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 Faith Builders Institute

Posts on this page will feature information designed to help believers navigate through the doctrinal fog that now permeates our world.

Why the Scriptures CANNOT err.

In this video, Dr. Norman Geisler teaches us that the Scriptures CANNOT err. This information is needed as much today as it was when he gave it because the attacks on inerrancy are running full-steam-ahead with Mike Licona at the helm.

How to Interpret the Bible

I met Dr. Ryrie at a Steven's Lecture Series back in the early 2000's at what was then, Piedmont Baptist College. After his lecture on The Problems with Progressive Dispensationalism, I approached him.


I don't have one of your study Bibles," I began, "But would you mind signing my Scofield."


Without missing a beat, he asked, "Why don't you get Scofield to sign it?"


He and everybody within ear-shot of his quick-witted answer laughed, and for those who don't get it, Scofield has been dead since 1921.

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